Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 706

I'm telling you, Bridget leaves town and EVERYONE starts going nuts!  I can't get into it all, but it's pretty much all drama by proxy (as Nathan says).  I'm going to need the rest of you to keep it together, because the drama department has met its quota for the year!  Yikes!  Today was especially strange, and it all started with me discovering that I had a flat tire immediately after leaving my driveway (in the rain).  Lucky for me, Grandpa let me use his car so I could get to work.  (Also lucky for me) I'm blessed to have a swell dad and uncle who change the aforementioned tire in the dark for me.  I'm glad I got to stay for my workout tonight ... it's one of the few good things about today.  I'm too tired to worry or fight the lovely endorphins!

Cheers to (almost) Friday! :)

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