Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 547

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to shoot my aunt's outdoor wedding with this rain and cold weather, but I guess I'll just figure it out!  Let's hope things turn around by mid-day tomorrow!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 546

Interview today ... hope this one works out!

Happy Thursday, friends!  I hope you're all having a great day!

A little dance party for your ears, too:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 545

I'm still processing, thinking, and other -ing words.  Perhaps I'll have more to say later about yesterday's events.  Not now though!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

5 Things: September Edition

  1. OPI's Bastille My Heart - just bought it!
  2. TOMS shoes - I don't own a pair (yet), but maybe someday soon.  I'm torn between the red wedge and the red flats.
  3. My new Food Network Dutch Oven.  I bought it red (tomato) and of course didn't pay that much for it. :)  I recommend getting the 5 1/2 quart versus the larger or smaller.  If you go smaller, you won't be able to fit much in there, and if you go larger, you may not be able to lift it!
  4. This recipe for Peach-Whiskey BBQ Chicken made in the aforementioned new dutch oven!
  5. I had an absolutely delicious meal at Scholars Inn while shooting a wedding in Bloomington last week.  The Rocket Salad (see photo) was fantastic, and I think you should try it sometime. :)

Day 544

Editing all day today and doing something a little nerve-wracking tonight.  Hope it all goes well...

Monday, September 26, 2011

One of my all-time favorite songs. :)

Thank you for reading my blog!

Glad I finally figured out how to embed a video.  I don't know what I was doing wrong before; it's really easy!

Day 543

I really need to learn how to make a good lemon drop martini.  If you know of a good recipe or are an educator of drink making, holler back.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 542

I <3 having friends in from out of town.  It makes me happy!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 541

Happy wedding day to RaeAnn & McKay!  I can't wait to see Nathan and (finally) meet Greta! :D  Hugs galore!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 540

Down in Bloomington today to shoot at wedding at Beck Chapel and their reception at Scholars Inn!  Yay!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 539

I made some lasagna today, and everyone said it was tasty.  I'm pretty sure they meant it, too. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 538

Word of the week: frustration.  For many reasons that I can't explain right now, and it's not even in just one area of my life.  Thank goodness for best friend chick flick movie nights ("Something Borrowed") + wine!  I can't wait to get my dance and drink and fun times on this weekend, sans camera (even though we all know I'll take a few)!

P.S. is a great resource for inspiration and/or a new desktop background. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dat 537

I went to the Indiana State Museum for the first time today!  It was awesome!  I hope that if you're a tourist or a local, that you'll make time to visit.  They have everything from geology exhibits to an art show to a walk through the decades of Indiana history.  Then, I went to Mann's Grill for lunch and totally pigged out on yummy in my tummy (but not so healthy) food.

...and then I had to take a nap. ;)

Working on Dave's movie suggestion list, I finally watched "Casablanca!"  I can't believe I went 26 whole years without seeing this masterpiece!  The danger!  The mystery!  The romance!  Humphrey Bogart's voice!  The black and white film!  It was lovely.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 536

So much editing to do, so much time to do it! ...So, yeah, not a huge rush. :oP

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 535

Feeling a little sore today from yesterday's photography moves at the wedding.  Bridget and I headed up to Atlanta, Indiana this afternoon with Cierra and Joe.  We did another photo session at C's grandmother's farm (before the new owners take possession), this time in their wedding attire.  Thankfully, the rain held off and the sun came out for awhile!  Excited to see our final set of shots once I can get to them! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 534

Shooting one of the last weddings of the season today with Stephanie!  Happy and a little bit sad at the same time. :oP

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 533

I'd better get to work - I've got 5 dinner guests coming over in a few hours!
On the menu: Peach-Whiskey BBQ Chicken and an undetermined dessert.

Happy Friday, friends!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 532

Excited for dinner with my lady friends at Scotty's Lakehouse!  I've never been there, so I'm very interested to see how it stacks up against Scotty's Brewhouse.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Something Special

I found all of these on the Polish My Crown blog (via Smart, Pretty, and Awkward blog).  Enjoy! :)

Day 531

Last night, Dan and I made chicken parmesan (thanks for the recipe, Mrs. Bohney!).  It was so stinkin' good.  My favorite version so far - by a lot.  The last time I made it, I forgot to pound the chicken and I had to make my own sauce (Ragu is just as good).  This version was pretty simple - I only had to stop at Kroger to get the chicken, some butter, and the cheese.  I also bought some ice cream, but that wasn't really necessary, ha!  :)

Dan also surprised me with a bottle of Conundrum.  Yum!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 530

Went up to Purdue for lunch today with Alex and Zach.  It was so weird being at a nice Italian restaurant with these two goofballs.  Well, at least we figured out that it'll be acceptable for Zachary's date, haha.  Thanks for lunch, boys!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 529

I've realized over the course of a few deep conversations this weekend that my life is good.  I have plenty of ups and downs, but that really big downward spiral is finally curving back up now.   Praying that the positivity train keeps on truckin' along!

Update: just got a call from the company I interviewed with on Friday.  She said I was definitely in the running, but that they moved faster than anticipated and went with someone else.

...maybe the train is moving a little slower than I'd hoped.  Still on an incline though!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 528

Ten years.  It's hard to believe that ten years ago my generation experienced our first major national disaster.  It is a day that we'll all recall for the rest of our lives.  I went to New York City and Washington D.C. for the first (and only time so far) less than two months before the attacks occurred.  I was up on the observatory deck in one of the World Trade Center towers with my family.  When one of the teachers at my high school walked into my second period algebra class, I really couldn't believe what had happened.  Watching the smoke pour out of the twin towers on TV, thinking about the people I saw working in the gift shop, at the ticket counters, etc. ... it was all too much.  To top it all off, it should have been a happy day!  September 11th is my best friend's birthday.  Now, for the rest of her life, her birthday is overshadowed by a horribly tragic event.

I saw the cover of People magazine, and it featured a child that lost a parent on September 11th.  I can't imagine what it was like to be in NYC or D.C. today with all of the families and friends of those who lost their lives.  I remember hearing all of the stories.  I am still so proud (correct adjective?) of the passengers who took over their flight from the terrorists.  They knew what was going to happen, so they called their loved ones.  As Hugh Grant talked about in the beginning of "Love Actually," none of their messages were of hate, they were all of love.  It's amazing what ordinary citizens and our military servicemen and women have done to protect us.  God bless them all!


Happy Birthday, BK!  You're the best friend a girl could ever wish, hope, or pray for!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 527

A photo shoot and a bowling alley date tonight ... not a bad Saturday! :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 526

I had a great interview Downtown this afternoon!  Hope I get a second interview (and soon)!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 525

I have an interview tomorrow and a fresh haircut (first one about 6 months)!  Oh, and a date tonight.  Let's not forget that important detail. ;)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 524

Adding lots of photos to the photography website today, then running a special discount offer on facebook.  Woo hooooo!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 523

I spent my evening with the 3 of the most adorable 6 year old triplets.  They were SO good, they didn't fight, and they even smiled and played along with all of my photography requests (Christmas card).  I love my sweet little cousins!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 522

I had a lovely Labor Day.  My friends hosted a cookout complete with good food and great company.  After stuffing my face, I had a photo shoot for a friend + her extended family.  All in all, a wonderful day!  Hope your week continues to be as relaxing as today was!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 521

I declare today to be "Take a Nap Day," so go ahead and make yourself relax.  I'm sure you deserve it.  After my nap, I'm going to make a bunch of cookies! :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 520

Excited to spend the day with my extended family out at the ranch! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 519

I've got a lot of fun things to go to this weekend, hooray!  My annual family reunion out at the ranch, RaeAnn's bachelorette party, a cookout at Cierra & Joe's, and perhaps a few (good) surprises along the way!

I'm really happy to see this post on Pioneer Woman today!  I can't wait to try it out! :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 518

Today, like any day, has the potential to be awesome, terrible, or somewhere in between.  I'm really hoping for awesome!  It'd be a great way to kick off the long weekend. :)

Hope you have an awesome day!


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