Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall Foliage

I love fall, don't you too? Well, my good friend Stephanie and I did our first official photoshoot together last Sunday. We went to Butler University's beautiful campus to photograph our friends, Laura & Mark. Stephanie took most of the pictures, while I posed the newlyweds. We both took the originals and edited them, knowing that we use different software and would end up with different looks. I think we got a few that are really awesome. Stephanie's version of the shoot can be found here.

I'm really glad Steph and I are working together now with this whole photography thing. I think it's the beginning of a beautiful business. I'll let you know when we're completely official and actually have business cards and a website and all that jazz.

Thanks to Laura & Mark for letting us photograph them all afternoon!

Laura & Mark - 10.21.07


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